How Do You View Yourself?

How Do You View Yourself?

It seems that we as women can easily state a thousand complaints about how we look. “My nose is too big,” “I wish my hair wouldn’t do that,” “My double chin has it’s own zip code,” “Don’t get me started about the wrinkles.” We micro-analyze, don’t we? When complaining about our looks, we often forget…

Breaking the Mold of Eating Disorders

Breaking the Mold of Eating Disorders

Recently, I came across this article from ABC News (found here) which sheds light on eating disorders in individuals that break the “mold” of who is typical. One is about a female kindergartner who is anorexic, and another supplemental video is about a male with binge eating disorder. These cases do not follow the typical…

Goodbye Toxic Friend! QuitSmart® Smoking Cessation

Goodbye Toxic Friend! QuitSmart® Smoking Cessation

So you’re now into the New Year, and, reflecting on things of the year completed.  How about those relationships?  Especially with that one particular toxic relationship.  You know the one… many days may seem good, but sometimes the morning, or the evening you just ‘gag,’ over the whole thing. Your companion is there, with you,…

Proud2bMe for Healthy Body Image of Teens

Proud2bMe for Healthy Body Image of Teens

In today’s media soaked world, children and teens are dealing with a tremendous pressure to be thin…the ideal of today’s society.  The Thin Ideal is just that…not real…based on doctored up photos of models with stretched legs and carved out waists, and hollowed out cheeks.  It is especially important in today’s computerized generation to be…

Is Your Loved One Struggling with an Eating Disorder or is in Recovery?

Is Your Loved One Struggling with an Eating Disorder or is in Recovery?

You have experienced pain in this process of getting them help, or you have not been able to see them get help…yet.  You want to be an encouragement and save them from this difficult mental health disorder and physical illness.  But there are times this Eating Disorder is exasperating to deal with and you find…

Feeling Low on Self-Control?

Feeling Low on Self-Control?

There may be a biological reason. According to a recent research study at the University of Iowa using brain imaging technology (fMRI), being exposed to a situation requiring self-control may increase the possibility of experiencing more difficulty with subsequent situations requiring self-control. The study found that there is a limited amount of self-control in the…