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Shame Resilience
Brene Brown says,“Our lives are a collection of stories . . .” Brene Brown researches how people experience and overcome shame. She states… “Shame is the intensely painful feeing or experience of believing we are flawed and therefore unworthy of acceptance and belonging.” Regardless of your age you have a story that is all your own….

This Is Where the Healing Begins
If we open our eyes to what we do not want to see surrounding us… People are struggle to find acceptance and love. Individuals are weighted by guilt, unable to forgive. Spouses are strangers. Children are consumed by so much pain that they inflict harm upon themselves just to feel in control. We have all…

Learn to Love Your Body by Loving Your Inner Self: Pt. 1
A Woman’s Life Journey of Body Acceptance Part 1 of 3: Beginning of Beauty or Beast? I came across a wonderful article in the March 2012 Real Simple magazine about a women’s journey in resolving her body image and recognizing her beauty (check it out; see resource below). It got me thinking about our individual…

Soul Care
Soul healing should take place on an individual level and an inter-personal level. Soul healing is not a black and white, “just follow this plan” concept. It is a life-long journey of listening to your soul and attending to your soul’s needs. In our secular, materialistic culture, our souls are often overlooked. Instead, we fill…

You Are Not Alone
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9) Some days, I just lose it. Literally! I get mean, short tempered, grumpy and whiney. Pain turns me into a person I would cringe at meeting. Clenched fists, shortness…

Dieting & The Drive for Thinness: The Truth About Dieting
Dieting is such a common trend. Most of us have probably done so many types of dieting over the years we can’t even count. With as much hype as dieting gets, in the long run diets don’t work! Instead of dieting, change your eating habits, eating behavior, and life style choices and you’ll be on…
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