Making Requests and Communicating Needs
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Making Requests and Communicating Needs

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” Maya Angelou Have you ever felt discouraged when trying to convey your message to a loved one who misunderstands your request? At the root of many power struggles are unmet needs. Our choice of words and tone of voice may actually push the…

Is Seeking a Soul-mate Helpful or Harmful?

Is Seeking a Soul-mate Helpful or Harmful?

A soul-mate can be defined as a romantic partner able to connect and identify with your authentic self. Some people believe that the soul has three parts: the mind, will and emotions. This would mean that a soul-mate is able to connect with your deepest thoughts, share similar dreams/goals/desires and accept your feel about all…

Marriage on the Rocks…Not a Very Tasty Drink!

Marriage on the Rocks…Not a Very Tasty Drink!

Marriage is a relationship that is both radical, and logical.  To think that two people could live out their lives, together, under one roof for the rest of their lives could certainly be considered a radical step.  However, it is also a logical one, when we think of how monogamous relationships allow for a certain…

Are You Editing Yourself in Relationships?

Are You Editing Yourself in Relationships?

Let Your Light Shine This blog explores the question: “Why would I—edit parts of myself—out of a relationship?” The first part of this question is about “why.” The reasons for not wanting to reveal parts of myself have to do with unique personality, life experiences and preferences. It also has to do with appropriate social…

When Your Guy Looks at Another Woman

When Your Guy Looks at Another Woman

You are out enjoying time with your guy, when suddenly you notice that an attractive woman has just caught his attention. Your internal reaction will depend on numerous variables. The strengths and needs of the three people involved influences the dynamics of the incident. When your guy looks at another woman, consider the following as…

The Art of a Blended Family (including BONUS TIP SHEET)
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The Art of a Blended Family (including BONUS TIP SHEET)

 After being married for 27 years, I found myself divorced. Although the relationship was complicated and full of conflict, I still struggled with a deep sense of failure, heartbreak, loneliness, and shame.  My three grown children saw the situation from completely different angles. My two daughters asked, “Mom, why did you stay with dad so…

Building Secure Attachments in Marriage & Family Relationships

Building Secure Attachments in Marriage & Family Relationships

Do you feel like you are frequently clashing with your spouse and feel unsure why you react the way you do at times? Can you relate to the feeling of being unsure why you are responding to your child in a particular way in his or her time of “testing the waters”? It may be…

Special Delivery: Becoming a Better Messenger

Special Delivery: Becoming a Better Messenger

When was the last time that somebody said something to you that just seemed to ‘rub you the wrong way?’  Maybe it was your boss, a teacher, your son or daughter, maybe even your spouse!  It wasn’t necessarily what they said…it was how they said it.  For the sake of this blog, we are going…