The Battle With Addiction
We couldn’t create a better visual on how addiction sucks you in, makes you dependent and brakes you down. Take a contemplative moment to watch this 2 minute video…..
We couldn’t create a better visual on how addiction sucks you in, makes you dependent and brakes you down. Take a contemplative moment to watch this 2 minute video…..
Self-conscious about your weight? Too many impossible standards regarding weight are causing self-esteem to dive! Check out this video for a little boost!
It seems that we as women can easily state a thousand complaints about how we look. “My nose is too big,” “I wish my hair wouldn’t do that,” “My double chin has it’s own zip code,” “Don’t get me started about the wrinkles.” We micro-analyze, don’t we? When complaining about our looks, we often forget…
“Expert: Major Life Changes could Trigger Midlife Eating Disorders”from Raleigh’s own WRAL TV. WRAL quotes, “Nearly 228,000 women in North Carolina suffer from an eating disorder, according to the National Eating Disorders Association, and experts say a growing number of adult women are dealing with anorexia and bulimia.” Miller Counseling Services is appreciative that our local news…
We have entered into the season fondly referred to as “March Madness;” exciting for all of the basketball fans, out there; however, there is another kind of madness that seems to enter into this season, as well. It begins with Mardi Gras. March also brings on “Spring Break,” partying and St. Patrick’s Day (continue reading…
“Is Sugar Toxic?” segment of 60 minutes on CBS aired on Sunday evening. Is an interesting segment and matches the research that is being done regarding Food Addictions and Eating Disorders by Eating Disorder professionals who presented at the International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals in March 2012. There is certainly strong indication of the actuality…
Besides the word ‘sex,’ stress is one of the most mentioned ‘S’ words that impacts our life in significant ways. We in the behavioral health field, as well as those in the medicine, have pretty much vilified stress over the years, with its impact on heart disease, and other systems of the body. New scientific…