Is Seeking a Soul-mate Helpful or Harmful?

Is Seeking a Soul-mate Helpful or Harmful?

A soul-mate can be defined as a romantic partner able to connect and identify with your authentic self. Some people believe that the soul has three parts: the mind, will and emotions. This would mean that a soul-mate is able to connect with your deepest thoughts, share similar dreams/goals/desires and accept your feel about all…

Marriage on the Rocks…Not a Very Tasty Drink!

Marriage on the Rocks…Not a Very Tasty Drink!

Marriage is a relationship that is both radical, and logical.  To think that two people could live out their lives, together, under one roof for the rest of their lives could certainly be considered a radical step.  However, it is also a logical one, when we think of how monogamous relationships allow for a certain…

The Single Woman’s Guide to Your Life Vision
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The Single Woman’s Guide to Your Life Vision

What was it Like in the Old Days? When my Mother got married in the 1930s, she was given a little humorous book, called How to Get Your Man and Hold Him by a friend.  Reading this jewel of a book prompted me in thinking about “what women want” now in 2014 regarding marriage.  Being…

Building Secure Attachments in Marriage & Family Relationships

Building Secure Attachments in Marriage & Family Relationships

Do you feel like you are frequently clashing with your spouse and feel unsure why you react the way you do at times? Can you relate to the feeling of being unsure why you are responding to your child in a particular way in his or her time of “testing the waters”? It may be…