Relief from Overwhelm: Taking Personal Retreat

Relief from Overwhelm: Taking Personal Retreat

Ever felt overwhelmed by the constant barrage of activity, work or family demands, and to-do lists? Do you crave quiet, peace, a time to think without interruption? If this sounds like you, it may be time for a personal retreat, a time for reflection, receiving, restoration through connection with your heart, soul, spirit, and your…

Exploring Intuition through Creativity
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Exploring Intuition through Creativity

I LOVE to explore my soul with the creative process in art making. I recently had an Artist’s Date to experience International Soul Art Day 2014 with Laura Hollick of Soul Art Studio.  An Artist’s Date is a scheduled day and time dedicated to creative pursuit. On this particular day, my intentions were to see…

The Battle of Depression
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The Battle of Depression

How striking to learn that nearly 80% of people with depression do not get treated!  According to the Center for Disease Control and prevention, (‎) about 9% of the population may be experiencing depression.  The National Institute for Mental Health (, reports, further, that women are 70% likely to experience depression. These are eye-popping stats,…

Are You Editing Yourself in Relationships?

Are You Editing Yourself in Relationships?

Let Your Light Shine This blog explores the question: “Why would I—edit parts of myself—out of a relationship?” The first part of this question is about “why.” The reasons for not wanting to reveal parts of myself have to do with unique personality, life experiences and preferences. It also has to do with appropriate social…

Do You Have a Harmful Secret Life?

Do You Have a Harmful Secret Life?

Do you struggle with a secret that evokes shame? I am not talking about hiding chocolate from your kids. I am talking about engaging in destructive and risk-taking behaviors that disrupt your intrinsic sense of self.  Living a secret life usually has to do with covert behavior that restrict personal freedom, undermines confidence or evokes…

The Single Woman’s Guide to Your Life Vision
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The Single Woman’s Guide to Your Life Vision

What was it Like in the Old Days? When my Mother got married in the 1930s, she was given a little humorous book, called How to Get Your Man and Hold Him by a friend.  Reading this jewel of a book prompted me in thinking about “what women want” now in 2014 regarding marriage.  Being…

Finding Contentment
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Finding Contentment

One of my personal goals is to experience more contentment in 2014. I am not talking about being contented with the social injustices, disasters, sickness, tragedies or other negative issues in our messed up world. Nor do I mean having a counterfeit contentment based on shallow materialistic or based on unusable relationships. Contentment is defined…