Tips for Restoring Work & Life Balance (*BONUS FREEBIE DOWNLOAD*)

Tips for Restoring Work & Life Balance (*BONUS FREEBIE DOWNLOAD*)

Do you feel irritable, tired and unmotivated when it comes to your life and work? Do you lack inspiration, feel overwhelmed, and find yourself procrastinating when you try to complete projects? Do you find yourself without joy, vision and purpose in your daily life and work routines? You may be experiencing burn out, the physical…

6 Ways to Practice Mindfulness to Improve Your Life

6 Ways to Practice Mindfulness to Improve Your Life

Mindfulness is a new buzz word almost everywhere!   Just what is mindfulness and how can it benefit us in our everyday life?  The definition of mindfulness is being present in the moment, in the now, and experiencing all the senses in this moment in time.  It is not thinking about the past, nor delving…

The Single Woman’s Guide to Your Life Vision
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The Single Woman’s Guide to Your Life Vision

What was it Like in the Old Days? When my Mother got married in the 1930s, she was given a little humorous book, called How to Get Your Man and Hold Him by a friend.  Reading this jewel of a book prompted me in thinking about “what women want” now in 2014 regarding marriage.  Being…

Parenting Teens Requires Strong Hope & Courage

Parenting Teens Requires Strong Hope & Courage

  Remember the dark woods that Dorothy and her friends, Scarecrow ,Tin Man and Cowardly Lion, skipped nervously through as they journeyed to Wizard of Oz? They started out fearful as they went deeper into the creepy tangled forest that resonated with screeching birds and creaky noises. The trembling sojourners linked arms, skipped slowly at…

The Red Cape Syndrome: Women in Burnout (*Free* Playsheet)

The Red Cape Syndrome: Women in Burnout (*Free* Playsheet)

Women juggle many roles: jobs, mommies, wives, chauffeurs, students, grandmothers, leaders. … the list goes on.  These roles are all demanding and the hours are few!  A woman who is focused on getting it ALL done can be trying to live up to high expectations, whether self-imposed or other directed.  Operating on the assumption that…